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"Belly laugh absurdities that make you feel a little better about everything." -Julie Lockfeld

​"Bonbons are Ativan for the Trump Era. Caution, may be addictive." - David Schriger, MD


"A healthy dose of hope and laughter with no negative side effects. Comic Bonbons are my drug of choice!" - Lauren Brener

Help support Charlie's bonbon habit! 

Help comedy heal our nation!

Become a Comic Bonbon Sponsor


Codependent $500
Enabler $1000
Accomplice $2500
Pusher $5000


No donation is too small
No donation is too large


Thank you gifts  

$500 - I call you or a friend in the voice of Bernie Sanders (birthday, anniversary, feeling depressed, etc.)

​$1000 - Two calls, any voice(s)

$2500 - Two calls plus a custom bonbon, subject matter and voice of your choosing

$5000 - All of the above plus Comic Bonbons Live! show in your home (geography permitting)


How to donate:

​Best way: Venmo @Charles-Varon (last 4 digits of my phone# = 6731)


Or: â€‹â€‹Send me a check

Charlie Varon, 31 Chattanooga St, SF CA 94114






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